Designing video presentationsfor introducing EUMETSAT operations

Field Space
Category Design & Graphic
Location Cologne
Year 2021


To help convey their brand and operations, EUMETSAT wanted to create an engaging PowerPoint presentation to introduce the organisation to visitors at their Headquarters in Darmstadt, Germany. Design & Data was approached to create this presentation, geared towards a non-expert audience and showcasing how EUMETSAT watches the weather. This included conveying which kinds of satellites are used, where, why, what they are able to “see” from space – the weather, the ocean, the atmosphere – and its applications in society. To better catch the attention of visitors, EUMETSAT wanted to incorporate animations produced by satellite observations into the presentation.

Idea, solution

To create a presentation that was engaging for a non-expert audience, we took a very particular approach. We developed a visual style that combined text content with bold, colourful, infographic style illustrations. To clearly get the idea of how EUMETSAT watches the weather, we paired these infographic illustrations with seamless videos, consisting of satellite observation and self-produced animations. We consistently employed moving elements as part of the overall style to convey the content in a more attention-grabbing format. This content included user statements, satellite specifications, satellite observation animations, and short videos showing the EUMETSAT headquarters and how the various satellites are operated.


The final product consisted of a high-quality, video presentation that mimicked the quality and standards of the EUMETSAT brand. Shown to visitors at the EUMETSAT headquarters, this video helped raise awareness and increase the understanding of complex EUMETSAT operations, including satellites and weather monitoring, while simultaneously introducing satellite and weather monitoring science to new audiences and reinforcing the organisation’s brand identity.

Contact us for more information to see how we can create moving presentations that can reinforce your business and spread awareness of your brand to new and returning audiences.


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