BringingAtmospheric Datato Life

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UnderstandingWeather & ClimateInnovationsThroughCreative Videos

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VisualisingGlobal Warming Trendsover time

Collaborating with ECMWF & B-Open, Design & Data developed an interactive application to visualise the current global warming trend in relation to reaching the globally adopted 1.5°C limit.

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Media partnershipsto increasecampaign visibility

To help promote the Copernicus CAMS and C3S products, Design & Data worked alongside ECMWF to create media partnerships with key local and regional publications to raise further awareness among policy and decision makers.

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Storymaps:Case studiesfor ourchanging climate

Using Shorthand – a web based tool for creating digital stories – Design & Data worked alongside ECMWF and EJR-Quartz to promote Copernicus CAMS and C3S data and products through the creation of individual climate-related case studies.

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Online advertising for campaign visibility

Alongside ECMWF, Design & Data has produced 3D animations illustrating the evolution of ozone levels in the atmosphere for 2017-2018.

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Runningcampaignsto promotethe big themesof today

Alongside ECMWF, Design & Data produced a joint OHH and digital marketing campaign to raise awareness for the Copernicus European Earth Observation Programme.

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Turning scientific data into 3D animatedvideos for ECMWF

Alongside ECMWF, Design & Data has produced 3D animations illustrating the evolution of ozone levels in the atmosphere for 2017-2018.

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Localised digitalOut-of-homeadvertising

In the run up to the European Space Week in Helsinki, Design & Data worked with ECMWF to create a localised digital out-of-home video campaign to promote the Copernicus program and its accompanying data products.

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